wanichan's English blog

Just blogging in English from Osaka, Japan. Technology, Diary and Life Style.

Entries from 2022-09-01 to 1 month

Japan Fact-check Center established; $1.5 million from Google

The Safer Internet Association (SIA) will establish the Japan Fact-check Center (JFC), a fact-checking organization for countermeasures against disinformation and misinformation, on October 1. The organization that conducts comprehensive c…

I cannot live in Sheeple Society

I have a TV, but I don't watch it. Because it looks like a bunch of crap shows and propaganda. They seem to be deliberately trying to sway and polarize viewers to fight each other. Most of them seem to be played by rad actors, and the medi…

Sweet Potato Series at Starbucks Japan

Starbucks Japan offers the sesonal products from Thursday, September 21st. YAKIIMO (Baked Sweet Potato) Brulee Frappuccino is very popular and sells out quickly. You should get it on weekdays, by 3 pm, maybe?

Whereabouts of the Super Typhoon Nanmadol and the Weather Weapon

My friends outside Japan are worried about Super Typhoon Nanmadol, but in fact that typhoon no longer exists. Yes, there are strong winds blowing from time to time, but it is not a big deal. However, TV and the media are still agitating th…

I've ordered bifocal lenses - I am no longer young?

Lately, I have been having difficulty seeing my Apple Watch in my hand when I am wearing my glasses for distance. After I take off the glasses, I can see my hand clearly. So, first of all, I got a pair of glasses for middle-distance viewin…