Entries from 2020-05-01 to 1 month
Do you have Apple Watch? May Challenge 2020 is a little tough, isn't it? This month, walk or run 257.9km to earn this award. For the first time in a long time, I decided to take on this challenge. I get up at 4:30 on weekdays... at 4:32am …
Yesterday I set my alarm for 4am, but today I set it for 3:30am and lounged around on my bed for 10 minutes before waking up. I counted the number of people I passed by before I arrived at Nagai Park, and there were zero. Four bicycles pas…
There are too many people in the daytime anyway, and it gets muggy and sweaty quickly, so I set the alarm on my iPhone to 4 a.m. and took on my first early morning workout. It was 4:24 a.m. when I left the house. It was dark outside. No on…