wanichan's English blog

Just blogging in English from Osaka, Japan. Technology, Diary and Life Style.

Entries from 2017-08-01 to 1 month

Where is the custom margins in Word for iOS?

I am an Office 365 subscriber, and the "What's new" information is the following article. According to the article, Microsoft added custom margins in Word on August 14, 2017. I confirmed that it is added for Android, but not for iOS. I cal…

Should I have to write technical articles in English?

One time, when I was working with Google AdSense team, they suggested me to create the technical English sites so that the revenue would be getting better. But, you know, I am Japanese. I have iPad and iPod touch, and I can change the lang…

Network Failure in Japan was because of Google?

Network failure happened on Friday in Japan. The pageviews on my websites went down because they could not use the Internet. One of the major Japanese ISP (Internet Service Provider) OCN and some parts of KDDI got into the trouble. I just …

Why does my workout cause weight gain?

As you know, I go to the gym everyday except on Thursday because of the closed day. Today is Thursday so it's time to rest my muscle. But, when I got on a scale after workout, I was shocked that my weight was gaining. Why...? www.shape.com…

I had a personal trainer for the first time

I had the initial personal training for 50 minutes at the gym yesterday morning. The trainer said that 50 minutes was too short and he needed 1 hour. At first, I get on the following body composition analyzer. Body Fat % : 29.0% (Standard …

Inner muscle training

When I lie down my back, I can get up without rebound or guarding. but if I bend my knees, I cannot do that. Some people can do both. How can I do that? You know I go to the gym almost everyday as to shape up my body. Maybe this is one of …

Should I buy Season 5 of Prison Break at Amazon video?

Actually I watched the whole episodes of Prison Break season 5 (with Japanese subs). I have also a 100 yen coupon for Amazon video - expiration date: August 31, 2017. If you select "Rent Season 5", for 1360 yen but only for 30 days. "Buy S…

Listening to music while riding a bike

I go to the gym almost everyday these days. Now I am making a playlist for the gym on my iPod touch. Unfortunately my gym is closed because of the system maintenance. I have to wait for Wednesday. I went to the body shop to buy the followi…

The more fake contents, the more ads

These days, so many people who want to get money easily started fake medias, right? Why there is a lot of trash on the Internet? support.google.com www.recode.net Is this true? I don't think it's effective in Japan. There are so many fake …

Google AdSense inFeed ads are not for Static websites?

I posted about inFeed ads on this blog But, I realized that they are not for my websites because of static ones. If you have CMS sites, inFeed ads are good for your websites. If you have static HTML websites, you might want to use in-artic…