wanichan's English blog

Just blogging in English from Osaka, Japan. Technology, Diary and Life Style.

8 laps run of Nagai Park for the first time

Seven and a half laps of Nagai Park is the distance for a half marathon, but another half lap doesn't seem to make much difference, so I ran eight laps as I felt like it, never mind my heart rate.

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With temperatures this high, it's essential to stay hydrated during exercise.

I brought a 500ml sports drink with me and rehydrated every lap I ran.

My inner thigh muscles are weak, so I thought that I should just run while bouncing around vertically like a penguin to prevent pain at the base of my legs. They call it "pitch running"?


I didn't feel much pain after the run. I didn't feel my calves were sore either.

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the people who don't usually exercise have been swamped by it.

A group of four or more people lined up side by side to fill the width of the road and walked slowly.  I've also encountered up to five people walking side by side at equal intervals, the full width of the road. Something like this.


It's going to get hotter and hotter, so I'll have to figure out a less crowded and more comfortable time of day.