wanichan's English blog

Just blogging in English from Osaka, Japan. Technology, Diary and Life Style.

Running around Nagai Park

I went to Nagai Park by bicycle in the morning, then I started running from the following start point.


Start ➡

A lap of the park is 2813 meters.

According to the official website, it is a paved garden road which becomes the same 42.195 km as the full marathon when we do 15 laps.

Unfortunately, my left forth toenail was piercing the third toe while I was running. 




I used to run around the park when I was in elementary school and junior-high in PE in winter. I learned that outdoor running was much harder than an indoor running machine.

But, I was wondering what I should wear in the winter time - all by myself?

It's not too far from my house to Nagai Park - about 1.2 miles so I don't have to take a train.


Maybe I don't have to use a bicycle to get there? I could run???